Basketball games shall be conducted under the rules of the National Federation of State High School Athletic Associations.
Sec. 1 Frosh/soph games will start at 4:30pm, Junior Varsity at 6:00pm, and Varsity games at 7:30pm.
Sec. 2 Each team shall have two sets of jerseys. All numbers on uniforms must be digits of 5 or less. Teams will wear white (or lightest
color) at home; dark jerseys away. The home team shall change jerseys if there is a color conflict. The referees shall decide if a
change is necessary.
Sec. 3 There will be a limit of 26 games and two scrimmages in Varsity, Junior Varsity and Frosh/soph competition plus a foundation game.
Sec. 4 Anyone may play on the Varsity team.
a. Only freshman or sophomores may play on the girls frosh/soph team. Only freshman may play on the boys frosh team.
b. No senior may play on the JV team.
c. All changes in team rosters by moving of players must be reported in writing to their AD.
Sec. 5 An experienced timer must be provided for all Varsity and JV games. It is recommended that an experienced scorer handle the official scorebook.
Sec. 6 The home team is responsible for crowd conduct at all contests.
Sec. 7 Varsity, JV teams and Freshman games will play 8 minute quarters.
Sec. 8 Game ending procedures; Any contest that is suspended for any reason will continue from the point of interruption, unless mutually
agreed upon by the schools involved to end the contest (example- game out of reach and both schools agree to end the contest).
Sec. 9 No one will be allowed to stand behind the baseline. This includes cheerleaders.
Sec. 1 Player of the Year will be voted on first followed by Defensive Player of the Year
Sec. 2 There will be a seven member 1st and 2nd all-league team with no honorable mention.
Sec. 3 Each league coach will be limited to the 5 total nominations
Sec. 5 At the All-League meeting, the league commissioner will post the nominations
Sec. 6 Each coach will be allowed time to speak on any of the players nominated.
Sec. 7 The vote will then be taken by secret ballot by the league commissioner.
Each coach may vote for a maximum of seven 1st & 2nd team players.
Sec. 8 Ties for the first team and second team shall be broken by another vote for those tied players
Sec. 1 Player of the Year will be voted on first and then followed by the 1st and 2nd team voting.
Sec. 2 There shall be an OPOY and DPOY, first and second team .
Sec. 3 Nominations must be submitted to the League Commissioner in writing on the date requested by the commissioner.
Sec. 4 Coaches may give back ground talks on OPOY and DPOY each of the nominees prior to the vote. Other coaches may comment or ask questions about the opponent's candidates. Coaches MAY NOT vote for their own players. Coach must use all allowed votes.
Number of All League
1st Place 2 first team 1 second team
2nd Place 1 first team 1 second team
3rd Place 1first team 1 second team
4th Place 1 first team 1 second team
5th Place 1 first team 1 second team
6th Place 0 first team 1 second team
7th Place 0 first team 1 second team
8th Place. 0 first team 1 second team
9th Place 0 first team 1 second team
10th Place. 0 first team 1 second team
League Champion
The League champions are determined by the regular season record (not tournament finish)
The seeding for the tournament is determined by the finishing record.
The Tournament champion is the NCS automatic qualifier and Tournament Champion.
10 Team Seeded Tournament
Day 1 - 7 v 10 , 8 v 9
Day 2 Winners play 5 & 6 seeds
Day 3 Winners play 3 & 4 seeds
Day 4 Winners play 1 & 2 seeds