Golf By Laws
Golf By Laws GOLF
Sec. 1 U.S.G.A. rules of golf will govern all play. Lift, clean, and place may be implemented if course and coaches warrant. Ball placement through the green can be determined by the host school.
Sec. 2 Golf practice shall start in accordance with NCS guidelines
Sec. 3 The team members (girls’ and boys’) will be determined by the NCS Bylaws. Beginning 2002-2003 they will play 6 and score 5 9/20/01
Sec. 4 League matches will be held on Tuesday(’99) and Thursday, unless local courses regulations only provide play on other days.
Sec. 5 Each dual match shall consist of nine holes.
Sec. 6 The total number of contests shall be determined by NCS guidelines
Sec. 7 The starting time for dual matches shall be 3:30pm. Tournament times will vary. Times can vary depending on course requirements.
Sec. 8 Team players shall not use caddies, golf carts or power carts. Pull carts ok
Sec. 9 On the day of a league match and the league tournament, a competitor shall not practice on the competition course before the contest.
Sec. 10 Failure to comply with the above play regulations shall result in the forfeiture of match and league standings or tournaments.
Sec. 11 Girls’ and boys’ will play by the same rules; with the exception- girls’ continue to play the double par rule **Double par language: Must take at least 6 (par3), 8(par 4) or 10 (par5) shots to claim double par on a hole-cannot be used to bail out on a hole or revert to cover mistakes- use is optional when you exceed double par. Once a player hit par on a hole, that player can choice to take a double par score. No double par will be used for missing players- if you don’t have 5 players you forfeit ( incomplete team score) passed 10/17/13
Sec. 12 In the event of a tie, the score of the sixth player will be used.
Sec. 13 In the event of a tie after six players, the teams will go to sudden death (first available hole). The five lowest scores will be used. If there is still a tie the sixth player will be used. If a tie still exists another hole(s) will be played until the tie is broken. Ties will be played off immediately.
Sec. 14 In the event of a tie in team standings for first place after the competition of the league tournament, a sudden death playoff will begin on the first available hole.
Sec. 15 The league tournament will be held at the end of the season and will be hosted by different EBAL schools on a rotating basis. EBAL tournament set-up will be building foursome organized by league standings entering the tournament. Number ones from 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th place teams, number ones from 5th, 6th and 7th place teams and number ones from 8th, 9th and 10th placed teams. Continue for number 2,3,4,5 & 6 players. 6/2/16
Sec. 16 The last tie breaker will be the EBAL Tournament
Sec. 17 The site of the EBAL championship must be within 75 miles of and EBAL school and cost may range from $35 to $60 per player
Sec. 18 Match ending procedures: 4/14/11 If the first group has completed play on at least four holes, and the weather precludes continuing, the match will be continued from that point (beginning at the tee box) on the next available day. If the first group has not completed at least four holes, the match will be restarted. If play is continued on a different day and a participant is ill or injured, another player may be substituted”
Sec. 19 No electronic signaling devices can be used until the match is over. First warning is given prior to teeing off. There will be a two stroke penalty for each violation after the warning.
Sec. 20 Players are allowed to use USGA conforming yardage devices during league play.- The use of cellular phones or any similar electronic devices by a player during a stipulated round is prohibited. 2/20/14
Sec. 21 “In accordance with the Note 8 of the Rules of Golf, each team may appoint one person who may give advice to members of that team. Such person may only give advice from green to tee.) must be identified to the other coach and all players from both teams prior to the start of the match. If protest, must follow EBAL Protest Procedure.
Sec. 22 Teammates may give advice within the same group during dual league matches
Sec. 23 Coaches are not allowed to play during league championship play
Sec. 24 Matches made up at the league tournament cannot be used toward all-league standings. Only the tournament score counts toward all-league standings
All-league standings will be determined by a point system where players earn points based on their placement in each match. In each match there are as many as 11 points available per player. The medalist earns 11 points, 2nd lowest score 10 points, etc. until the last player whose score counts in the match earns 1 point. If any players tie with the same score, points are split between the two players. For example, if two players are medalists, then they split the points for top two players (10 and 9 points) and earn 9.5 points.
Sec. 1 Player of the Year and the next 8 players will be first team and the next 10 players second team (10/17/24), based on the lowest over par totals, determined by 13 dual match scores plus the EBAL Tournament, 2 scores. A total of 10 (11/16) 9 hole scores. ( the EBAL tournament counts as two) 1/15/04 the number of all league players was changed 3/9/06
Player of the Year (1)
First Team (8)
Second Team (10)
Sec. 2 The tiebreaker for all league is; if possible, play off for the 6th all league spot. If not possible use the card off: in order --back 9, last 3 holes, last 6 holes, #1 handicap hole, 2nd handicap hole, etc. 3/6/08
Sec. 3 If a player uses a the double par option score during a league match - they are unable to use the match score as one of their 13 all league scores.
Sec. 4 a player must play in 10 of 13 (85%) matches + the league tourney in order to qualify for all-league.
PROTEST: In the event of a protest, the protest committee, consisting of EBAL coaches, league commissioner and/or golf course professional will determine the outcome
19.076H A gallery is permitted: however, the entire gallery must remain at a distance of 30 yards from the players at all times and are not to walk on the fairways. Participants are reminded of Rule 8 (Advice and Assistance) of “The Rules of Golf” which specifically prohibits players from receiving any counsel or suggestion from anyone (including their coach, other players , gallery, etc.) that could influence them in determining their play, the choice of club, or the method of making a stroke. Note: Course rules may prohibit gallery. First offense for the player is a two stroke penalty, Second offense is a a disqualification for the match within the the same round. Coaches only can implement the penalty. First offense for the player is a two stroke penalty, Second offense is a a disqualification for the match within the the same round. Coaches only can implement the penalty.
Sec. 1 U.S.G.A. rules of golf will govern all play. Lift, clean, and place may be implemented if course and coaches warrant. Ball placement through the green can be determined by the host school.
Sec. 2 Golf practice shall start in accordance with NCS guidelines
Sec. 3 The team members (girls’ and boys’) will be determined by the NCS Bylaws. Beginning 2002-2003 they will play 6 and score 5 9/20/01
Sec. 4 League matches will be held on Tuesday(’99) and Thursday, unless local courses regulations only provide play on other days.
Sec. 5 Each dual match shall consist of nine holes.
Sec. 6 The total number of contests shall be determined by NCS guidelines
Sec. 7 The starting time for dual matches shall be 3:30pm. Tournament times will vary. Times can vary depending on course requirements.
Sec. 8 Team players shall not use caddies, golf carts or power carts. Pull carts ok
Sec. 9 On the day of a league match and the league tournament, a competitor shall not practice on the competition course before the contest.
Sec. 10 Failure to comply with the above play regulations shall result in the forfeiture of match and league standings or tournaments.
Sec. 11 Girls’ and boys’ will play by the same rules; with the exception- girls’ continue to play the double par rule **Double par language: Must take at least 6 (par3), 8(par 4) or 10 (par5) shots to claim double par on a hole-cannot be used to bail out on a hole or revert to cover mistakes- use is optional when you exceed double par. Once a player hit par on a hole, that player can choice to take a double par score. No double par will be used for missing players- if you don’t have 5 players you forfeit ( incomplete team score) passed 10/17/13
Sec. 12 In the event of a tie, the score of the sixth player will be used.
Sec. 13 In the event of a tie after six players, the teams will go to sudden death (first available hole). The five lowest scores will be used. If there is still a tie the sixth player will be used. If a tie still exists another hole(s) will be played until the tie is broken. Ties will be played off immediately.
Sec. 14 In the event of a tie in team standings for first place after the competition of the league tournament, a sudden death playoff will begin on the first available hole.
Sec. 15 The league tournament will be held at the end of the season and will be hosted by different EBAL schools on a rotating basis. EBAL tournament set-up will be building foursome organized by league standings entering the tournament. Number ones from 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th place teams, number ones from 5th, 6th and 7th place teams and number ones from 8th, 9th and 10th placed teams. Continue for number 2,3,4,5 & 6 players. 6/2/16
Sec. 16 The last tie breaker will be the EBAL Tournament
Sec. 17 The site of the EBAL championship must be within 75 miles of and EBAL school and cost may range from $35 to $60 per player
Sec. 18 Match ending procedures: 4/14/11 If the first group has completed play on at least four holes, and the weather precludes continuing, the match will be continued from that point (beginning at the tee box) on the next available day. If the first group has not completed at least four holes, the match will be restarted. If play is continued on a different day and a participant is ill or injured, another player may be substituted”
Sec. 19 No electronic signaling devices can be used until the match is over. First warning is given prior to teeing off. There will be a two stroke penalty for each violation after the warning.
Sec. 20 Players are allowed to use USGA conforming yardage devices during league play.- The use of cellular phones or any similar electronic devices by a player during a stipulated round is prohibited. 2/20/14
Sec. 21 “In accordance with the Note 8 of the Rules of Golf, each team may appoint one person who may give advice to members of that team. Such person may only give advice from green to tee.) must be identified to the other coach and all players from both teams prior to the start of the match. If protest, must follow EBAL Protest Procedure.
Sec. 22 Teammates may give advice within the same group during dual league matches
Sec. 23 Coaches are not allowed to play during league championship play
Sec. 24 Matches made up at the league tournament cannot be used toward all-league standings. Only the tournament score counts toward all-league standings
All-league standings will be determined by a point system where players earn points based on their placement in each match. In each match there are as many as 11 points available per player. The medalist earns 11 points, 2nd lowest score 10 points, etc. until the last player whose score counts in the match earns 1 point. If any players tie with the same score, points are split between the two players. For example, if two players are medalists, then they split the points for top two players (10 and 9 points) and earn 9.5 points.
Sec. 1 Player of the Year and the next 8 players will be first team and the next 10 players second team (10/17/24), based on the lowest over par totals, determined by 13 dual match scores plus the EBAL Tournament, 2 scores. A total of 10 (11/16) 9 hole scores. ( the EBAL tournament counts as two) 1/15/04 the number of all league players was changed 3/9/06
Player of the Year (1)
First Team (8)
Second Team (10)
Sec. 2 The tiebreaker for all league is; if possible, play off for the 6th all league spot. If not possible use the card off: in order --back 9, last 3 holes, last 6 holes, #1 handicap hole, 2nd handicap hole, etc. 3/6/08
Sec. 3 If a player uses a the double par option score during a league match - they are unable to use the match score as one of their 13 all league scores.
Sec. 4 a player must play in 10 of 13 (85%) matches + the league tourney in order to qualify for all-league.
PROTEST: In the event of a protest, the protest committee, consisting of EBAL coaches, league commissioner and/or golf course professional will determine the outcome
19.076H A gallery is permitted: however, the entire gallery must remain at a distance of 30 yards from the players at all times and are not to walk on the fairways. Participants are reminded of Rule 8 (Advice and Assistance) of “The Rules of Golf” which specifically prohibits players from receiving any counsel or suggestion from anyone (including their coach, other players , gallery, etc.) that could influence them in determining their play, the choice of club, or the method of making a stroke. Note: Course rules may prohibit gallery. First offense for the player is a two stroke penalty, Second offense is a a disqualification for the match within the the same round. Coaches only can implement the penalty. First offense for the player is a two stroke penalty, Second offense is a a disqualification for the match within the the same round. Coaches only can implement the penalty.